Rental Fees for City Property:
- Meeting Room at the Depot - $200 effective 3/1/2021
- Garden - $100
- Colbert Municipal Complex Auditorium - Please contact City Hall for information.
- Red Canna Park - Please call City Hall for information.
Cemetery Prices: UPDATED JULY 1, 2022
Inside City Limits
- 1-grave lot: $480.00
- 2-grave lot: $900.00
- 4-grave lot: $1,530
Outside City Limits (but still in County)
- 1-grave lot: $570.00
- 2-grave lot: $1,140.00
- 4-grave lot: $1,980.00
Outside County
- 1-grave lot: $1,000.00
- 2-grave lot: $1,995.00
- 4-grave lot: $3,465.00
Trash Pickup -- Waste Pro bills customers for trash pickup. Please make payment directly to WastePro. Trash should be out Mondays by 7:00 a.m. Please contact WastePro for any questions or to sign up for trash pickup. The fees are $14/month inside City Limits and $19/month outside City Limits if on Piedmont's water system.
Water – The City of Colbert requires a $1,200 water availability fee for each newly constructed residence or new meter installation. Once this fee has been paid to the City, Piedmont Water requires a water tap fee. Please contact Piedmont Water Company at 1-800-248-7689,, for any information needed. If you experience discolored water, please call Piedmont Water Company.
In City Limits
Current Minimum Charge 1st 1,500 Gallons $14
Year Usage Minimum Charge Increase New Minimum Per 1,000 Gallons Increase New Per 1,000 Gallons
Jul-22 5,000 $14.00 $1.68 $15.68 $5.00 .60 $5.60
Jul-23 5,000 $15.68 $1.88 $17.56 $5.60 .67 $6.27
Jul-24 5,000 $17.56 $2.11 $19.67 $6.27 .75 $7.02
Jul-25 5,000 $19.67 $2.36 $22.03 $7.02 .84 $7.87
Jul-26 5,000 $22.03 $2.64 $24.67 $7.87 .94 $8.81
Jul-27 5,000 $24.67 $2.96 $27.63 $8.81 $1.06 $9.87
Outside City
Current Minimum Charge 1st 1,500 Gallons $15.68
Year Usage Minimum Charge Increase New Minimum Per 1,000 Gallons Increase New Per 1,000 Gallons
Jul-22 5,000 $20.00 $2.50 $22.50 $5.00 .63 $5.63
Jul-23 5,000 $22.50 $2.81 $25.31 $5.63 .70 $6.33
Jul-24 5,000 $25.31 $3.16 $28.48 $6.33 .79 $7.12
Jul-25 5,000 $28.48 $3.56 $32.04 $7.12 .89 $8.01
Jul-26 5,000 $32.04 $4.00 $36.04 $8.01 $1.00 $9.01
Jul-27 5,000 $36.04 $4.51 $40.55 $9.01 $1.13 $10.14
State of Georgia’s current water restrictions: